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  • Happytalism, coined by the visionary leader Luis Gallardo, is a powerful concept that challenges traditional notions of capitalism and asserts that true success lies in prioritizing happiness and well-being. As a thought leader, author, and speaker, Luis Gallardo has been at the forefront of advocating for a more holistic and inclusive approach to business and society. Through his work, he aims to inspire individuals, organizations, and governments to embrace a new way of thinking that goes beyond profit and focuses on creating a positive impact on people's lives. With his unwavering belief in the power of happiness as a driver of sustainable success, Luis Gallardo continues to revolutionize the business world by promoting a model that not only values financial prosperity but also puts people's well-being at its core. His visionary ideas have sparked a global movement towards a happier and more prosperous world for all.cription text goes here


Meta Pets

  • Meta Pets cards by Luis Gallardo are not merely a collection of visually stunning images, but rather an immersive experience that delves deep into the realms of self-deconstruction, shadow integration, and the ongoing journey of self-discovery. With each of the 64 animal symbols carefully crafted and thoughtfully drawn, these cards possess an enchanting ability to unlock the secrets hidden within our hidden aspects, allowing us to tap into our untapped potential and embrace our true selves.These captivating cards serve as more than just a deck of images; they are potent reminders of the profound interconnectedness between all living beings. Each essence depicted within the Meta Pets cards acts as a mirror, reflecting our uniqueness and interconnectedness, encouraging us to explore the complex depths of our own being.Woven together with artistic expertise and a deep understanding of the human psyche, Luis Gallardo has created a powerful tool for personal growth and inner exploration. By inviting us to embrace our own complexity and embark on a journey of self-reflection, Meta Pets opens a gateway to the depths of our soul, fostering wholeness and igniting transformative journeys that can lead to ultimate self-fulfillment.

    In a world often cluttered with distractions and superficiality, the Meta Pets cards offer a sanctuary for introspection, enabling us to pause, reflect, and embark on an inward expedition towards self-discovery. Whether used individually or collectively, these cards awaken our innate wisdom, unlocking the dormant gifts residing within us and nourishing the spirit.

    So, if you are seeking a unique and profound means of accessing your true potential and unraveling the complexities of your own being, Meta Pets by Luis Gallardo is a compelling choice. With every card, you will find yourself embarking on a transformative journey, unravelling the mysteries of your own soul, and embracing the powerful interconnectedness that lies within us all.

World Happiness Foundation

  • The World Happiness Foundation is a visionary organization that has been tirelessly committed to promoting and fostering happiness across the globe. Established with a noble mission, this foundation aims to inspire, educate, and empower individuals and communities to create a more harmonious and joyful world. With a deep understanding that happiness is not only a personal emotion but also a global aspiration, the foundation focuses on interdisciplinary research, impactful projects, and transformative events to catalyze positive change. Through their initiatives, they strive to cultivate well-being, resilience, and compassion, embedding the principles of happiness into education, economics, and policy-making. The World Happiness Foundation serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us that happiness is not just an ideal, but a tangible goal that can be achieved when we come together to prioritize the well-being of all.

The Exponentials of Happiness Lab (TEOH)

  • The Exponentials of Happiness Lab, founded by renowned author and global advocate Luis Gallardo, is a transformative initiative that focuses on unlocking the secrets to true and sustainable happiness. This groundbreaking lab provides individuals with a unique opportunity to explore and cultivate their own happiness through a combination of scientific research, practical exercises, and thought-provoking discussions. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach that draws on psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and spirituality, the lab offers a deep dive into understanding the factors that contribute to personal fulfillment and wellbeing. Participants emerge from the Exponentials of Happiness Lab with a newfound sense of purpose, equipped with tools and insights to navigate life's challenges with resilience and live a more joy-filled existence.

Gross Global Happiness

  • This is a unique focus on Gross Global Happiness (GGH), which extends far beyond conventional measures of success and economic growth. GGH emphasizes the wholesome development of individuals, societies, and the planet as a whole. It recognizes that genuine happiness cannot be achieved without addressing social and environmental issues alongside economic progress. The interdisciplinary approach at this esteemed institution integrates diverse fields, fostering dialogue and collaboration among scholars, activists, and policymakers from around the world. By promoting values such as empathy, compassion, and equity, Luis Gallardo aspires to create a world where Gross Global Happiness is not merely an aspiration but a concrete reality, bringing fulfillment and sustainable well-being to societies across the globe.

Fundamental Peace

  • Fundamental Peace, a concept envisioned by Luis Gallardo, is rooted in the profound understanding that freedom, consciousness, and happiness are intricately interconnected. Gallardo's vision recognizes that true peace can only be achieved when individuals are free to express their authentic selves, and are equipped with the tools to cultivate a higher level of consciousness and awareness. Freedom plays a crucial role, as it provides the space for diverse ideas, perspectives, and beliefs to coexist harmoniously. By nurturing consciousness through mindfulness and self-reflection, individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their impact on the world, leading to a heightened sense of responsibility and empathy towards others. Ultimately, this interconnectedness between freedom, consciousness, and happiness lays the foundation for fundamental peace, fostering a world where individuals thrive in harmony and collectively contribute to the betterment of humanity.

Chief Well-Being Officer Program

  • The Innovative Chief Well-Being Officer (CWO) program created by Luis Gallardo is revolutionizing the corporate world by fostering Enterprises of Happiness. With a deep understanding that employee well-being is the cornerstone of organizational success, this program is a game changer. The CWOs are visionary leaders who prioritize and champion the holistic well-being of their employees, ensuring that mental, physical, and emotional health are at the forefront of corporate agendas. By implementing innovative strategies like flexible work arrangements, mindfulness programs, and comprehensive wellness initiatives, these CWOs create an environment where employees thrive. They understand that a happy workforce translates into increased productivity, creativity, and overall success. The CWO program is shaping a new era in corporate culture, where well-being is not just a perk, but an integral part of every thriving enterprise.

Brands & Rousers

  • In the enthralling masterpiece Brands & Rousers, "Brands & Rousers" by Luis Gallardo is a thought-provoking book that revolutionizes the way we perceive and approach branding. With its captivating narrative and insightful perspectives, this book takes readers on a transformative journey into the realm of branding. Fueled by the powerful Think Holistic, Act Personal approach, Gallardo unveils a paradigm shift that challenges conventional notions of branding. Drawing upon extensive research and case studies, the author introduces the concept of the 6 Rs – Reason, Reputation, Resilience, Relationships, Revenue, and the Rouser – as crucial pillars for the success of any brand. Through riveting analysis and engaging real-life examples, Gallardo demonstrates how companies can not only elevate their brands, but also foster meaningful connections with their target audience. Brands & Rousers is a must-read for both aspiring marketers and seasoned professionals, as it offers a fresh perspective on the dynamic world of branding.